Wednesday, 11 January 2017

13 Brilliant Weight Loss Tricks To Help You Wake Up Slimmer

We all wish for something good to happen to us overnight. But, is it really possible to achieve something nice while you enjoy a sound sleep? Well, we would say yes, if it is about weight loss! And stay there, we are not kidding at all. You definitely can lose weight, and get out of the bed every day in your slimmer and fitter avatar. All you have to do is, make certain amendments in your daily schedule. So friends, it is time make your dreams come true, literally! Just read on to know some brilliant weight loss tricks that can help you wake up slimmer every morning.

#1. Make a pretty bed

pretty bed
Do not rely on your maid to do your household chores, especially for making your night bed. Do it yourself and if you are doing it, why not do it really nicely? Change the sheets, dust a little, and light some candles. This little work will not only make you happy, but will keep your body in motion as well before nap, which will help you to digest whatever you have eaten.

#2. Have a cup of antioxidants before sleeping

antioxidants green tea
Before you sleep, make it a habit to drink either a cup of green tea or some other antioxidant-rich drink. This helps to flush out all the toxic waste and helps in regular bowel movement. You can just have plain warm water around 10-15 minutes before sleeping, if you do not like other things.

#3. No protein shakes in the evening

post workout protein shake
If you work out in the evening and follow it up with a protein shake, then stop that immediately. Protein shakes are meant to be taken during the daytime. Our body does not digest proteins at night. Since you must eat after any exercise, try to grab some fruit and nuts. You can make a healthy fruit smoothie with milk as well.

#4. Night-time walk

post dinner walk
Push yourself a little and make night-time walk a daily ritual. Do it for 10 minutes daily. Start with a low-intensity walk and gradually move towards brisk walking. These 10 minutes can do wonders for your body.

#5. Make love

couple making love
Yes, this is only for the committed ones. When you indulge in this fun activity, your body burns out a lot of calories. So, the next time you do this hard work, be assured of waking up slimmer the very next morning.
P.S.: You still should not skip point #4.

#6. Take a shower to fight insomnia

girl taking shower
If your sleeping pattern is disturbed, you will find it really difficult to lose weight. A shower helps to calm down your body while reducing its temperature. As it will make you feel relaxed, you will be able to sleep well. And, a timely and sound sleep will ensure that you do not indulge into unhealthy late night nibbles.

#7. Sleep in a pitch dark room

sleep in pitch dark room
A study by the scientists at the University of Granada suggests that sleeping in a super-dark room can also help you lose weight and wake up slimmer in the morning. Here is the logic behind this. Human body produces a hormone called, melatonin, in complete darkness. And, this hormone further helps the human body in producing a brown fat that helps in burning calories. So, make sure you switch off all the lights and sleep in complete darkness to wake up happy and lighter.

#8. Brush your teeth

brush teeth
Brushing teeth at night would not only keep your gums healthy, but will help you lose weight too. When your mouth is fresh and minty, the mind senses that the meal time is over. Hence, the chances of you having hunger pangs at any point of the time get relatively lower.

#9. No midnight snacks

mid-night snacks
Well, we have already told you about avoiding them as much as possible in the previous two points. But, if your hunger is absolutely uncontrollable, then make sure you do not pick up anything unhealthy to munch. Instead, eat some dry fruits, a vegetable or a fruit.

#10. Have a low-in-salt dinner

Salt leads to water retention, hence, bloating of your body. It will make you hold water weight around your waistline. While this water gets flushed away from your system when you are awake, it stays in the bloodstream during the night. So, minimise your salt intake and avoid it completely at night to wake up with a well-toned belly.

#11. Eat a light dinner

light dinner
It is never advisable to skip a meal to fulfil your desire of losing weight. Instead, you can have a lighter meal, especially when it comes to your dinner. So, munch on some salad or eat a fruit, but avoid a complete meal at night so as to wake up slimmer in the morning.

#12. Say no to beer

no beer
Like salt, beer leads to bloating as well. It is loaded with calories and prevents you from reaching your target weight. So, if you regularly party during late evenings, make sure you keep a check on what you drink. You can have a little (remember, only “little”) wine or champagne, but no beer as it can give you a beer belly.

#13. Wake up early

wake up early
As important as it is to sleep well at night, waking up early is equally salient. Get out of your bed early in the morning, and drink a lot of water and eat within half an hour. This will boost your metabolism and make you feel light and help you lose weight throughout the day.
Well, now you would agree that losing weight is not really that difficult task, right? So, do not wait anymore! Just get started and get set to flaunt a fitter body in no time!

5 Lifestyle Hacks That Will Score You A Flat Stomach

Have you always wondered how celebrities flaunt such washboard abs all year round? Do you envy your friends who have an hourglass figure and to die-for flat belly? Well, if you promise that you won’t go out on crash diets and not set unrealistic goals anymore, then we can tell you a few secrets that would help you get that flat belly. And believe us, it is not as tough as you had imagined it to be. All you need is some proper guidance and a little discipline, along with these tips. So, are you ready to get that flat stomach?

#1. Workout your full body

Many believe that crunches are the only way for a flat belly. But that is not the only best exercise to go for while aiming for a flat belly. Go for cardio, train on cross-trainers, do cycling and run on treadmill.
Shh! Weight Loss Secret: If you don't feel like sweating it out in the gym then go for the most simplest and effective workout– bring out your running shoes and head out to the local park. And, if you are looking for something more fun, then we suggest you to join a Zumba or belly dancing class.

#2. Mind your posture

Remember this- if you tend to slouch, then you are bound to carry a stomach pouch with you! So, whether you are standing, sitting or walking, try not to slouch because weak back muscles affect your tummy as well. If you spend your work hours sitting in front of a computer then it is best to get a chair that can help you keep your back comfortably straight. If you are a gym person, focus on your shoulder and back muscles and work out on cable-pulley machines to learn how to discipline your back.

#3. Eat smart

There is no need to starve to get that bulge-free stomach. Your approach must be a smart combination of smart eating and exercises that strengthen your core. Including smart healthy food items in your diet can be helpful.
Staying clear of fried, junk and sugary foods is the best thing you can do for that belly of yours. Add a few of the following foods to your diet- beans, almonds, berries, spinach and other green vegetables, whole wheat bread and whole grain pastas, and low-fat dairy products.

#4. Healthy Drinks

It is not just foods that’ll help you lose weight, but some drinks as well. Water is certainly an elixir for those who wish to lose weight and get glowing skin, so make it your best friend. Apart from that, take a look at these drinks too:
  • Green tea is high in polyphenols, which successfully dissolves triglycerides (a type of fat found in blood) and accelerates our body’s metabolism. It also boosts a person’s endurance level and stamina, thus, providing aid to your body during extensive workout regimes.
  • Lemon is rich in citric acid and this acidic nature of lemon aids weight loss. If you have plain lemon water juice in the morning, you introduce your system to the acids and enzymes that would help to keep your digestive tracts healthy and problem-free.

#5. No Stress

Stress is not just harmful for your mental well-being, but your physical health as well. Stress increases the production of cortisol, a stress hormone, which can lead to more fat accumulation in your body. Stress is seen as a major reason behind binge-eating as well. Even many studies and researches have shown how stress is related to weight gain, especially around the abdominal area.
So, listen to some soothing music, go out for walks, enrol for a yoga class or mediate. All this will help reduce stress levels considerably. So, keep yourself happy to stay healthy.
Keep in mind that no single fruit or vegetable, or workout plan, or drink, etc., can aid weight loss around belly. It is a combination of various factors that influence both weight gain and weight loss. Make sure you make smart lifestyle changes to discover that flat belly!

7 Amazing Reasons Why Partner Yoga Is Great For Your Relationship

Yoga means "union or unification", and that makes partner yoga a perfect recipe for uniting two souls. In 'partner yoga', you and your partner can do the traditional yoga postures together by helping and supporting each other. Whether you share a smooth sailing relationship or have currently hit a rough patch, Partner or couples yoga is an ultimate way to enrich your bonding with your partner.
What’s more? If you are looking for ways to heighten passion in your relationship, then again this is your answer. So, let us find out how practising partner yoga can work wonders for your relationship.

#1. Buries your differences

In partner yoga, you are working together to achieve that perfect posture. When you are working for a common goal, you surely keep your differences apart. And once you reach the desired pose, you not only feel confident about yourself, but also feel triumphant about your relationship.
Cain Carroll, co-author of Partner Yoga: Making Contact for Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Growth, talks about partner yoga and says, "Partner yoga is the medium for building stronger communication and intimacy between human beings in any relationship."

#2. Healing touch

A touch is the first and most primary aspect of partner yoga. It starts with a physical touch and ends with a healing and therapeutic touch. Some people might feel uncomfortable with physical intimacy, but in reality it is the touch that soothes, comforts and relieves pain in humans.

#3. Builds trust

Trust is like a stepping stone in any relationship and if there is no trust, there is no meaning to a relationship. When you attempt the difficult yoga poses, you have to become interdependent on each other. You need to trust your partner to help and your partner will have to trust you. This is exactly when the metaphor “made for each other” comes true!

#4. Unspoken communication

Can you understand what is “unspoken” between the two of you? Well, partner yoga helps you to bridge this divide and brings you closer to one another. Gillian Kapteyn Comstock, a certified yoga instructor, who has been teaching couples yoga for almost a decade says, “Yoga is an excellent medium of expression and growth.” She further adds, “Yoga poses increase the language of intimacy for couples by giving them nonverbal ways of expressing their feelings.”
To maintain the right balance, alignment and remaining focussed for a yoga posture with closed eyes requires emotional and mental unification with your partner. So, after practicing a few poses, you will realise that your dynamics of understanding as a couple has increased.

#5. Sheds ego

The crux of these exercises is to forget the self and amalgamate into each other. It is of prime importance to work together and not against each other. “You rely on each other for the very creation of poses. Postures are dependent on two people showing up for one another and giving equal effort," says Cain Carroll.
“It’s a great metaphor for the nut and bolt aspect of all relationships,” he adds. Thus, you have to work as a team and not as an individual when it comes to couple yoga.

#6. Relieves frustrations

You are likely to be affected by frustrations and negativities, which at times wreak havoc even in a perfect relationship. Partner yoga comes to your rescue and helps you deal with pent up annoyances and exasperations, and give way to a soothing and calming relationship.
"Postures and flow sequences are designed to bring communication into a tangible, physical form and help you witness the dynamic of relationships," says Cain Carroll.

#7. Stronger family connect

Partner yoga is something that can be done not only among couples, but as a whole family also. As yoga instructor, Laura Kasperzak, says, "The happiness and laughter that comes from doing something like this (partner yoga) is undeniable. It connects a couple, it connects friends, and it connects a parent with their child. Regardless of the outcome of the pose, it can’t help but make you smile."
During the yoga, partners laugh, joke and bond themselves with poses. We can then rightly say, “A family that exercises together stays together.”
As Cain Carroll reveals, “It’s a process of working it out– there’s no finished, perfect pose. It’s about how you connect, cooperate, support each other and figure out the pose based on what works for the two of you.” So, take your partner's hand and connect with each other using some exciting and enticing partner yoga poses.

5 Simple Yoga Exercises To Get Those Perfectly Toned Hips And Legs

Being fit nowadays has become a trend of sorts. It is no longer about staying fit for good health, but about staying fit and slim because it’s ‘in’. But it really shouldn’t be that way! Have we forgotten all about the importance of being fit and healthy instead of fit and fashionable?
It is a good thing to get your daily dose of exercise by going to the gym or working out at home, but it is equally important to do it for all the right reasons. If you have a toned body that is used to a regular amount of exercise, it means that you are healthy and will be so for longer than most others who do not exercise.
Exercising on a regular basis lowers your chance of a stroke and even of cholesterol. If truth be told, there is no better way to exercise than yoga. Yoga gives you immense peace of mind, apart from improving your concentration and focus levels. Moreover, it does help you stay lean and trim and above all, healthy! 
Here are a few yoga exercises that can help tone your body, just in time for the festive season. These exercises are in the form of easy-to-follow poses and focus around the hips and the legs. They will help you tone those particular areas of your body really well. 

#1. Ustrasana or the camel pose

This is a wonderful way to get your body in shape and to improve concentration and flexibility. This particular asana tones up the front of the body and flexes out your hip muscles wonderfully. It is also a great way to tone your thighs and legs. All you have to do is sit in Vajrasana, lift up the hips and open out your chest, looking up towards the ceiling. Make sure your palms touch your feet and gently let your head fall back. 

#2. Baddha Konasana or the butterfly pose

If you’re one of those who don’t have too much time on hand, this is an ideal exercise. To do this, you just have to sit down, making sure the soles of your feet are touching each other and your knees are bent. Then, hold onto your ankles and push your knees downwards as much as you can. Hold that pose and take long, deep breaths. This asanacan open up your hip muscles and tone your leg muscles, super-efficiently. 

#3. Navasana or the boat pose

If you master this asana, it can be incredibly good for your body as well as your inner being. It can build up your core strength and greatly improves blood circulation in the body. To do this, sit down in a half reclining pose. Then, lean backwards and lift your legs off the ground. Try to maintain that balance and when you feel steady, bring up your hands and hold them straight out. Don’t forget to breathe deeply. 

#4. Setu Bandhasana or the bridge pose

This is an excellent way to tone up your muscles and to build up strength in and around the hips. This is a simple pose, which requires you to lie down on your back. Then, raise your knees up, with the soles of your feet still flat on the floor and grasp the back of your ankles with your hands. Then, slowly lift your hips and back, upwards. This exercise also improves blood circulation and is an excellent way to tone the hips and legs. 

#5. Utkatasana or the chair pose

Do not be fooled by the name! This asana does not allow you to actually sit on a chair. It entails holding the pose that we generally do whilst sitting on a chair. This is a great exercise to stimulate and flex out the muscles in your hips and legs, especially the thighs. To do this, stand up tall and erect. Then, gently bend your legs and bring your buttocks down a little, just as though you were sitting on a chair. Raise your arms above your head after taking a deep breath. Keep inhaling and exhaling as you hold this pose. It’s great for building up muscle strength. 

5 Extremely Simple Exercises For Improved Stamina And Libido

The regular exercises always help one way to another and also keeping you active throughout the day. In a relationship too, when one partner is lazy and unable to fulfil other partner's sexual desire, it results in stress and anxiety. Sometimes, it happens due to lack of stamina, flexibility, strength or weakness in muscles. There is nothing to worry about; one can easily boost their libido and increases sexual desire by practicing some exercises at the same time having healthy meal every day. To get the best results, here are 5 simple exercises that can boost your stamina and libido and make your partner happy in bed. 

#1. Squats

It is one of the best exercises to improve libido, since doing squats involves most of the body muscles, thereby, producing the activeness in hormones, which results in enhancing your sex drive. This exercise increases the blood flow to the pelvic region and makes your lower body powerful and firm making orgasm more intense. You can practice this exercise anywhere at home, as one needs to stand straight with both legs open and stretch out their arms in front. Now, bend your lower area like you are going to sit on a chair and keep your feet firm on ground. Lower down yourself as much as you can, and keep your thighs parallel to the floor. You can bend your elbows or make a fist as per your convenience.

#2. Planks

This powerful exercise helps in working endurance and stamina while you are in your bedroom. Since all the muscles are actively engaged while performing this exercise, make sure you keep your body straight while doing it. You can shift your weight from both arms only to your left arm and rotate your torso to the right entirely. Raise your right arm straight up towards the ceiling and look up towards your right palm. This will form a “T” shape. Try and hold this posture for a few moments and return to the push-up position and repeat the same on the other side too. Repeat the exercise at least for one minute and you will surely feel confident after a month. 

#3. Alternating Lunge 

Image Courtesy: My Strength Training
Image Courtesy: My Strength Training
This exercise not only tones and strengthens the leg muscles, but also develops the muscles of the lower back, abdomen and improves the stability. It increases the testosterone production in your body, thereby increasing your confidence. You can do this by standing straight with your right leg placed forward. Now, bend both the knees to lower your body to a lunge pose. Push during the heel of the right foot to go back to the starting position and immediately shift your right foot back and lower into another lunge. Press through the heel of left foot and return to the standing position. This entire move makes one repetition. Repeat this exercise at least ten times to get better results.

#4. Kegels

Image Courtesy: Pinterest
One of the most popular exercises recommended for both the genders with low libido levels. It aims at strengthening your Pubococcygeal (PC) muscles. Therefore, it is supporting the better flow of blood to the sexual organs. Kegels are suggested to not only improve pelvic health issues but to boost sex life. For men, it will help them to control and ease the contraction of muscles during ejaculation and also prolong ejaculation. One of the simplest exercises you can do is performing it as a bridge. Lie on your back with your knees bent. Inhale, try to engage your pelvic floor, and lift your hips as much as you can. Hold for up to 10 seconds and now lower your hips back down and release your pelvic floor. Do this at least 10 times.

#5. Leg raises

Image Courtesy: Pinterest
Image Courtesy: Pinterest
The core strength lies in abdomen, middle and lower back while doing this exercise. This will help you to engage well with your partner therefore increasing the stamina. You can start this exercise by lying on your back with legs straight on the floor. Keep your toes pointed and raise your legs as slowly as possible. Remember not to let your lower back arch off the ground. Hold on your legs up for some time and slowly bring them back.

Do's and don’ts in general lifestyle that could stunt stamina 

Stamina not only means having strength and energy to endure an activity for an extended period but also help in fighting illness and stressful circumstances. 


  • All types of outdoor sports activities are best to overcome fatigue and boost stamina level.
  • As a beginner, one can start with walking or running for shorter distances.
  • Increase the intensity of exercises slowly.
  • If you are obese, make sure you first come to a healthy weight before beginning your stamina boosting process. 
  • It is best to maintain your progress; this will also help you to stick to your plan. 
  • Before beginning any routine, remember to warm up, stretch and cool down. This will help avoid injuries.
  • Rest is equally important as exercise. So give yourself a day off from all the intense training.


  • Don’t push yourself into hectic and rigorous exercises.
  • If you feel the strain while doing it, then rest for a few seconds. 
  • Never burden your body with the things it can't do, it will just lead to injuries and muscle cramps.
  • Try to cut down excessive intake of alcohol, smoking or junk foods.

Things to eat and drink 

  • Include a well-balanced diet by adding low-fat products, plenty of fruits and vegetables and lean meat. This will help your body stay healthy and increase both your physical and mental stamina.
  • Start a day with healthy breakfast by selecting a bowl full of oats or whole wheat toast. 
  • To maintain the continuous supply of energy to your body, try to eat small meals at regular intervals.
  • Make sure you drink enough water to reduce dehydration and fatigue. If your body has less fluid, it will slow down the blood flow and make your cells oxygen deficient.
  • Make sure you add carbohydrate rich foods to your diet, so that these foods provide your body with starches and sugars that your muscles can use as energy to boost endurance.     
  • Include carbohydrate rich foods like cereals, vegetables, bread, fruits, and milk.
So, now that you know all these simple exercises, it's time to surprise your bae now. To know more about health and fitness, stay tuned with us. 

7 Healthy Reasons Why Massage Is Good For Your Mind And Body

Health issues affect all of us, and a massage might not be the first thing to come to your mind as a way to deal with the same. Most of us would rather pop a pill or forget about the illness till it strikes again. It is a fact that majority of medicines do not deal with the root cause of a health problem. This is where massage therapy can really help.

Especially for women, a massage can offer multiple benefits, mentally as well as physically. The benefits of a therapeutic massage go much beyond the superficial "feel good" factor; and it works even better when done by an experienced masseur. Read on as we reveal some amazing reasons why you must go for a relaxing massage this weekend.

#1. Helps you lose weight and look good

Yes, massages can help you lose some weight and look good as well. The soft, gentle strokes by a masseur enables the lymphatic system to release toxins from the body in an effective manner. This release of toxins has a firming effect on your body. Massages help to increase blood flow in the body, and some specific ones can even help to breathe life in your dull complexion and lacklustre hair. Also, massages are known to be great for those who are looking for ways to tighten their lose skin after weight loss. But remember, for this you have to follow a healthy lifestyle as well. 

#2. Reduces chronic pain

Several people are distressed with shoulder, neck and backaches. Whether it is chronic pain due to some illness, or incorrect body postures, or cramps from strenuous exercise, a good massage can help ease it in a noninvasive and holistic manner. Massages bring relief through muscle relaxation, applied pressure and improved circulation. Talking on this, researcher Dan Cherkin, Ph.D., says, "We found that the benefits of a massage are about as strong as those reported for other effective treatments: medications, acupuncture, exercise and yoga."

#3. Helps relieve depression and stress

It is believed that a good massage can help to relieve stress, tension and anxiety that are often associated with depression. Physical touch boosts the release of happy hormones, endorphins, in the body. It also decreases the levels of the stress hormone, cortisol. When the cortisol levels are high, it can disturb your system and lead to depression. Massage therapy is a wonderful way to regulate these hormones, thereby uplifting your mood and creating an overall sense of well-being.

#4. Promotes better sleep

The kneading and rubbing of muscles helps to decrease the tension in the body, thus providing an immense relaxation. As mentioned before, massages help in the release of serotonin and endorphins in the body, which affect your sleep positively. Studies have shown that massage therapy helps to enhance delta waves in the brain, which are known to encourage deep sleep.

#5. Boosts immunity

A massage may be your answer to those common colds and other ailments that strike you often. Researchers say that massages increase lymphocytes, a type of white blood cells that prepares your immune system to fight diseases. A strong immune system keeps you healthy and energetic. Add to this the fact that it curbs depression and stress, giving you all the more reasons to indulge in a massage for the sake of your health.

#6. Reduces blood pressure

Regular massages can bring about a significant change in the blood pressure readings of people who are diagnosed with hypertension. When the blood pressure is lowered, it translates to lower anxiety, depression, stress, and helps stave off kidney failure, stroke and even a heart attack. 

#7. Soothes headaches and PMS

Regular massages work wonders for people suffering from migraine and other kinds of headaches. And, if you are one of those who struggle with those awful pre-menstrual symptoms (PMS), this therapy is a great solution to banish them all for good.
Relaxing the muscles through an invigorating massage is a surefire way to do your body and mind a whole lot of good. If you have never gone for a massage, now is the time to search for the best massage parlour in town and take an appointment as soon as possible.

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5 Simple Yoga Exercises To Get Those Perfectly Toned Hips And Legs

Being fit nowadays has become a trend of sorts. It is no longer about staying fit for good health, but about staying fit and slim beca...

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